Friday, February 8, 2013

No Time / No excuse

Seems today we  hear this a lot from everyone, but have you ever wondered where did they find the time years ago when family’s had 8-12 kids and a farm to run or jobs to go to, a garden to plant and meals to make an old milk cow to milk.

I remember no matter how busy the adults, we always were included helping in the garden, or cooking the meal, doing chores.

Nowadays it seems folks turn on the TV or charge up the iPod and hope those things entertain the kids long enough for them to get dinner ready.

My love of Gardening and Cooking as well as work ethic came from being aloud/expected to help and have fun right alongside Gram in the garden deciding what to pick to make the meal.

I believe involving your children in the daily works is how we inspire them to love cooking, gardening and teach them to feel the gratification of a hard day’s work. I can sit here today and remember the feeling of dirt in my hands and singing along with gram and grandpa as we pulled carrots or dug potatoes from the garden, or standing on a chair to reach the counter to help knead bread dough or going up to milk old black before we could relax and play games in the evening.

 These memories are so precious to me. What memories are you building with your children and how do you involve them in the daily chores? The title No time /No excuse to me is what we should live by, the time from birth to collage or adulthood is so much faster than we can imagine that we need to grasp every moment we can to make a lasting impression on our kids’ lives so please do not waste a moment.

 Please take the time to teach as well as love your children every day!

~ Windy ~

Monday, February 4, 2013


We are all born with it, but some do not use it. Anymore it seems we have more compassion for our animals than we do our fellow human beings, I agree we should treat our animals well. But can you imagine a world where everyone is treated equal and with respect.

We live in a very busy world but I still try to find time to call a friend , smile at a neighbor, help another in need, respect my elders. Oh how I wish the whole world could take the time to do these things.

The future of our world looks bleak at this time and I believe the day will come again when we all need to depend on one another to survive and I hope that we have not buried Compassion so deep it cannot surface and help us all through the trying times yet to come.
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
Dalai Lama