Monday, May 14, 2012

What MOM are you ?

We just celebrated Mothers day and i hope you all had a great day!

But i' am wondering how do you see yourself as a mom?

I guess if i had to put a name to my style of being a mother i would say i' am a cross between Shirley Partridge and Roseanne Conner.

So let me know where you think you stand as a great mother / who would be your comparable TV mom?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Age really does not matter...

I  know i have not posted in a few days, so i apologize for that but i have been very busy helping my children and grandchildren.

And this is where the age remark comes in seems it does not matter if they are 2 or 32 you will always help your kids and it is not easy to see them hurt even when they are grown.

When a child is young and someone hurts there feelings or they bump there  head or scrap a knee it is our place as parents to intercede and make things better.

As they become adults we still feel there pain and hurt when they do BUT when they are grown although it is still right to be by there side and comfort, we must remember they are adults to make mistakes or have a issue that they need to solve on there own.

All we can do is be there if they need to talk or need a hug ( and no matter how old you are, we all like a hug from time to time ) so please don't forget and give someone you love a hug today not only will they feel good but you will too !

~ Windy ~

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It is not just a one person thing it is a family thing !

If you are looking for a single project or something to fill those empty day's please consider volunteering, there are many ways to help.

  There is nothing like teaching your kids to be part of a community and sharing there gifts

The smile you can give a elderly person by just stopping by the nursing home to say hello and introduce yourself is a wonderful feeling and most would really enjoy seeing the kids along with you!

The 4-H program is near and dear to my heart and it is not always a animal project there is a huge range of clubs from gardening to cooking and raising animals and much more if there is a craft or something you are good at and they do not have a club doing it in your area already START one you will not be disappointed this is a very rewarding program.

Your local volunteer fire/ ambulance company are always looking for help, and it is not always taking classes and fighting fires or helping on the ambulance , they also need help with fund raiser and dinners or making coffee and sandwiches for the ones working a long fire there are alot of behind the scene things that need done.

I have grown up my whole life as a volunteer watching my parents as girl scout and boyscout leaders and firemen and coaching mini football teams i remember being so proud of what they did to help in there community and i have tried to carry this tradition on , so i challenge you to go out there and help somewhere/ anywhere the nursing home the firehouse the local park cleaning up 4-H  it does not matter what as long as you are helping do it alone if you want for you, or do it as a family and teach your children what it means to be apart of something.

I look forward to hearing where you volunteer and what a difference you are making please share with me what you do in  your community!
                                                           ~ Windy ~

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Sweet May hath come to love us,
Flowers, trees, their blossoms don;
And through the blue heavens above us
The very clouds move on."
- Heinrich Heine